Ottawa's New Official Plan
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West End Official Plan Consultation
Councillor Hubley would like to invite residents to attend a joint, west-end Official Plan Consultation on September 24, 2019. The event will provide public education and a feedback opportunity on 2 of the 5 Big Moves for residents in the City – Resiliency and Urban Design.
The City is rewriting Ottawa’s Official Plan – the strategic document that describes how the city will grow over time, where we will place major infrastructure, and what policies will be in place to support economic growth and guide the development and evolution of communities. Our goal is to position Ottawa to be flexible, resilient and, above all, a city where people want to live, work and play.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail: [email protected]
The City is rewriting Ottawa’s Official Plan – the strategic document that describes how the city will grow over time, where we will place major infrastructure, and what policies will be in place to support economic growth and guide the development and evolution of communities. Our goal is to position Ottawa to be flexible, resilient and, above all, a city where people want to live, work and play.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail: [email protected]
The New Official Plan
The City of Ottawa's Official Plan provides a vision for the future growth of the city and a policy framework to guide the city's physical development. In 2019, the City of Ottawa is beginning a multi-year process to develop a new Official Plan.
There are many opportunities to provide feedback by visiting .
On the site, you will see an Updates and Engage section.
Updates will be where you can get all new information on the Official Plan, for example any FAQ's, blogs, and draft policies.
After reviewing the information provided, we invite you to participate through the different feedback opportunities in the Engage section. Both sections will be continuously updated throughout the Official Plan process.
There are 5 new polls for residents to provide feedback through on the Official Plan site. There is a quick poll on each of the 5 Big Moves.
There are many opportunities to provide feedback by visiting .
On the site, you will see an Updates and Engage section.
Updates will be where you can get all new information on the Official Plan, for example any FAQ's, blogs, and draft policies.
After reviewing the information provided, we invite you to participate through the different feedback opportunities in the Engage section. Both sections will be continuously updated throughout the Official Plan process.
There are 5 new polls for residents to provide feedback through on the Official Plan site. There is a quick poll on each of the 5 Big Moves.